Friday, January 17, 2014

Activity 4

E 4.1- Investigate that earth materials are composed of rocks and soils and correctly use the vocabulary for rocks, minerals, and soils during these investigations.

Since my class are 4th grade level students I'm going to want to make sure to make my project I give them visual.  I would want to have my students do a rock collection and make sure I give them a little free rain on what they collect.  Making sure they identify the different rocks and soils by themselves on what they collect would be key as well so they know new vocabulary. 

E.4.2 Show that earth materials have different physical and chemical properties, including the properties of soils found in Wisconsin.

Giving my students a map of the country and teaching my students about where each stone or chemical found in each region would be the start.  Then after that I would talk about the mining in Wisconsin and also the amount of limestone found as well.  Teaching also about the ice age and the reason each region has what it does would be the follow up.

A.4.4 When studying science-related problems, decide which of the science themes are important

My class is young so I don't want to talk about anything too in depth and complicated.  speaking about how expensive running tests and experiments would be a start but I really don't know what else id say.  I would probably lead then to talk about limited resources and such.

B.4.1 Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations.

Okay I want to avoid textbooks and encyclopedias as much as possible with a fourth grade class because when I was that age I know I didn't learn anything from them.  But I think using computers would be important because in this day and age that is how they learn best.  making things relevant to them is important to me because I think the students would respond best that way, I know I do when teachers do that im my classes.

F.4.1 Discover* how each organism meets its basic needs for water, nutrients, protection, and energy* in order to survive

Starting with humans would be a good idea to make the subject relevant to the students, then moving through the food chain would be a good way to transition.  Going from the stuff higher on the food chain and then going to smaller and smaller thing would be the best idea.

H.4.2 Using the science themes*, identify* local and state issues that are helped by science and technology and explain* how science and technology can also cause a problem

Invasive species, extinction and also the fact that cell phones are making it hard for bees to pollinate are only a few things that I could talk about.  science yes does improve things and so does technology but also I would focus on how it hurts things.  With the next generation people focus far too much on technology and use it more than they need too.  Making sure they are conscious of the environment and how beautiful the world actually is how I would go about this.

1. What do you see are big changes compared to the previous standards?
These days the standards focus way too much on specific things and my mind.  That is the main difference, I don't think there is any room anymore for creativity.  We need to take another look at these standards and stop teaching to the test, but to do so we need to adjust our standards.

2. How are these standards connected to the other disciplines such as math and literacy?
I really like how these days we co-mingle subjects and disciple areas, I think we need to do this more.  It is important because in the real would you don't just focus on one thing you need to be able to take your expertise and tie it in with other areas.  Those skills are more important than having a ton of knowledge in just one area.

What do you see will be challenges for teachers when considering some of the changes in the proposed science standards?
I think that the biggest challenge is going to be making it fun for students.  Since these is so much stress on passing tests and being as smart as possible it takes fun away from school, and I think that science should be one of the most fun subjects.  These will be a fine line in how much fun a teacher can have with the students and still be able to give them all the knowledge they must learn will be the most difficult. 

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